The Signature Retreat

A three-night immersive self-discovery retreat led by experienced Hama facilitators

Multiple Dates Available

The Signature Retreat is a luxurious private experience designed to guide you through Hama’s self-discovery protocol to unlock new insights about yourself and your life.

SOLD OUT: Our 2024 retreats are full!

Read this Before Going on…

The Signature Retreat is a 3-night luxury self-discovery retreat followed by a 2-week integration period that helps individuals craft and pursue an intention that supports them in their path toward personal mastery

A Letter From the Leader of Hama

Dan Russell

I’ve had some great self-discovery experiences—as well as some not-so-great ones. The experiences I’ve absolutely loved had two things in common:

The Right Facilitation: “Facilitation,” in this context, means that you not only have the right people, but also the right protocols, in place to create a seamless, immersive, and comfortable experience for those participating in the exercises and tasks. 

Shared Energy: When the right combination of people come together, there is a good feeling in the room. It doesn’t matter who you are. You feel it. This energy, in my experience, contributes an enormous “X” factor to the quality of the experience, and it is dependent on the level of care that went into curating the group.

Hama’s Signature Retreat brings together both of these elements—the right facilitation and the right shared energy—to create the most luxurious, immersive, and impactful self-discovery experience possible. I am excited for you to see just a small piece of what we have in store for you as you explore this page, and if this experience appears like something you’d like to take part in, I invite you to schedule a call to find out if we are the right fit for each other.

To your continued journey,

Dan Russell

Founder, Hama

Four Days Of Luxury & Transformation

Find out what the next level really feels like

The Signature Retreat is designed to immerse you in a healing & transformational environment for four days and 3 nights. Take a peek at what we’ve planned for you below.

Kaleidoscope Arrival

Day 1: Arrive


Kaleidoscope Day Two

Day 2: Go Deep


Day 3: Integrate


Day 4: Depart


What kinds of sessions can I expect?

Rather than publish an agenda, we like to share Session Summaries to help you get an idea of what to expect—without ruining the surprises along the way.

Session Summaries

Intention Setting

Your intention is a stated desired outcome you create at the outset of your retreat experience. It strikes at the heart of what you need most in order to experience rapid transformation. At the outset of the Signature Retreat, we’ll walk you through exercises to help you identify your own intention. 

Grounding Sessions

Grounding sessions are used to prepare your body and mind for a transformative experience. You’ll be gently guided through exercises to get you out of your head and into your body. Once a grounding session is over, you’ll feel more open, calm, and ready to go inward.

Self-Discovery Sessions

Each of Hama’s self-discovery sessions are slightly different in their focus and intention. They are a combination of meditation and active psychological exercise, and they are designed to help you approach your intention from multiple angles and uncover truths about yourself that wouldn’t otherwise be uncovered.

Massage & Somatic Work​

Your body knows more about your state of mind than your waking, conscious mind. When you feel ill, or you have a tight muscle, in more cases than not, that’s your body compensating for something. 

Whether it’s stored emotion, limiting beliefs, or past trauma, massage and somatic work can help relieve and release your body.

Integration Roundtables

An integration roundtable is a group discussion during which you’ll have the opportunity to listen & share about lessons learned from your self-discovery sessions. 

These roundtables are held throughout the retreat experience to help you keep track of your progress toward your intention.

Hama Sound Bath

The Hama Sound Bath features an expert sound healer who has years of experience in creating and holding space for sound healing and energy cleansing.

From crystal sound bowls to tuning forks, our sound healer knows how to “tap in” to what you need in the moment and create a unique sound bath experience for you alone.

Choose Your Location

All housing & food are included in your registration to the Signature Retreat.

Your experience will be hosted on a secluded property with all the amenities you’ll need. Our Crew will be available at all times for anything you might need. You’ll have room and time to unwind, relax, and most importantly, grow!

California: July 11-14


Northern CA

Event Details

Florida: August 15-18


Central FL


Sit Back & Relax

All housing & food are included in your registration to the Signature Retreat.

Your experience will be hosted on a secluded property immersed in nature and serenity with all the amenities you’ll need. Our Crew will be available at all times for anything you might need. You’ll have room and time to unwind, relax, and most importantly, grow!


Vero Beach, FL


What do you take home with you?

Tangible Takeaway

Integration Plan

Your Integration Plan will help you with “re-entry” back into the real world, ensuring your takeaways and new mindsets that you gained don’t go away.

Integration of deeply transformative experiences can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. 

Our team is trained in integration protocols and ready with the right tools to help you plan ahead for your own integration. This is all in an effort to make sure you receive permanent positive changes from your retreat experience.

Tangible Takeaway

Access To The One Moksha Network

As a retreat member, you receive immediate access to the One Moksha Network.

The One Moksha Network is a private community of enlightenment seekers. Inside, you’ll find integration circles to help you on your integration journey, valuable discussions on personal growth, healing, and spirituality, and other resources to support you on your path to personal and professional mastery.

Meet your facilitators

Dan Russell

Space Maker & Leader of Hama

I’m Dan, and I’ll be your guide for the Signature Retreat experience. Over the four days we have together, my job is to make sure you are comfortable, clear on the transformation you are looking for (your intention), and feeling safe within each and every session you take part in.

My strengths in experiences like this draw from my own personal growth journey. I know what it’s like to live inside the “head” for years, not feeling safe to “feel” for the first time, or to trust my gut (much less the Universe). My guidance is focused on helping you on the path toward getting into your body, just like I did, and experiencing life as it should be lived: out of the head and in the heart.

Throughout the Signature Retreat, you’ll see me attending to each guest’s needs, conducting 1-on-1 breakthrough sessions, and keeping the space, from the meditation room to the snack area, looking and feeling great—in short, I’m the gatekeeper of the “Hama Vibe.”

Melanie Spring

Leader of the Brilliant Rebellion & Founder of Confidancia

Hey! I’m Melanie, and I’ll be joining you as a guide for the Signature Retreat. My passion is in activating the “Brilliant Rebel” in all of us, from the work we do to the way we carry ourselves in the world.

I believe each and every one of us, every human being on planet Earth, has the power to live a brilliant life. That means moving beyond people pleasing, trauma, and self-sabotaging behavior and into a state of blissful living. This is the kind of goal I help guests of the Signature Retreat pursue and achieve in just a few days. 

Throughout your experience at the Signature Retreat, you and I will likely sit down to help clarify your intention, and you’ll also see me holding space during our self-discovery sessions and grounding sessions. 

Kristina Duewell

Retreat Guide

Hi! I’m Kristina Duewell, Intuitive Energy Healer, Ethereal Abstract Artist, Certified Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher and Brilliant Rebel Graduate.

I discovered my innate healing and intuitive gifts during my first Hama experience, and have been on a fast-paced growth journey to be of service to others since.

Thanks to Dan, Melanie, and my Hama and Brilliant Rebel experiences, I have released a lifetime of anxiety, I no longer fear death, and I have created a whole new existence full of purpose and unconditional love. I am honored to be a Hama guide, assisting you on your journey and holding loving space on your path to healing and happiness.

Noel Teubner

Retreat Guide

Hi, I am Noel, and I will be joining you as a guide for the Signature retreat. I’ll be sharing and utilizing my gifts and understating of Human Design along with somatic movement, breath work and sound healing. These brilliant tools can assist you in your experience with us.

It is my belief that by understanding and connecting  with who we are at a soul level, we can then begin to heal from the limiting beliefs and  conditioning we have experienced in our lives. Human Design offers insight into how we operate with our body’s natural energies and intelligence instead of working against them. By learning to honor our own body’s inner intelligence system, we can then begin to understand what is best for ourselves and our journey moving forward.

At the Signature Retreat, I will be offering you insight into your Human Design chart and how things specifically line up for you. This will assist you in gaining insight and understanding about who you authentically are in this life. By learning your own body/soul’s unique language and how it speaks to you, you can then begin to incorporate this knowledge into your daily life. We will work to find the unique method that will allow you to fully embody this process.

Then, through the integration process, I will offer you tools that will help you navigate all you have learned from this experience into your daily life, ultimately creating the life you desire. I will also be holding space for you and guiding you through different practices that will allow you to create this space for yourself.

Everything is taken care of.

When was the last time you completely surrendered and consciously decided to trust that things will work out? 

This ability to trust—in the universe and in yourself—is a large part of finding your center and pursuing personal mastery. 

We’ve designed this experience to let you practice trusting and surrendering—and that comes with the reward of being delighted and completely present.

We invite you to arrive at the Signature Retreat ready to embrace whatever experiences may arise, whether they are blissful or challenging. The reward, beyond the perks of the experience itself, will be a long-term mindset that celebrates the unknown, embraces obstacles, and sees the abundance in every moment.

Have a significant other? Find your center together

The Tao (pronounced “dow”) is the conceptual center of all things. It lives in the void between happiness and sadness, hot and cold, and all of the Universe’s other extremes.

The Tao exists within us, too, and we experience its rich vacuum when we are centered, living true to ourselves and in balance with the world.

When a couple in love are able to find the Tao in themselves and their partner, their relationship flourishes. Regardless of age, sexual orientation, or the relationship’s length, if both sides of a sacred union can see and honor their own true center and that of their “better half,” sparks will fly for a lifetime.

If you decide to attend the Signature Retreat with a spouse, we cater your experience around this focus on balance, and we make specific plans to make room at the retreat for your relationship to flourish.

Immerse yourself in sacred space

The physical “space” we create at Hama is what makes our experiences so unique. The setting of our experiences is created with thoughtful intention around creating a comfortable and safe environment for our guests.

Our team will be creating an environment filled with other people who are on the same path as you. They, as well as you, agree to hold our space to the highest degree of respect and discretion.

The Signature Retreat will also be intimate. We limit capacity to a small group in order to respect privacy and, just as importantly, encourage you to pursue your intention in a safe environment.

The Hama Vibe

The Hama Vibe

One of the hardest parts to describe about the Hama experience is also the top reason past guests have given the type of feedback they have: the Hama Vibe.

It’s not one thing that we can point to, like, “yup, it’s the candles.”

It’s everything we put into creating the sacred space for your experience, from the creature comforts to the “little things” and all the way to the spiritual energy we pour into the space prior to and during your stay.

The Hama Vibe is very real, and once you feel it, you’ll know you’re in the right place.

Reserve Your Spot For The Signature Retreat

Location: Vero Beach, FL

If you’re interested in attending the Signature Retreat, the first step is to reserve your spot. It doesn’t cost any money and carries no obligation—it just saves your spot in line.

Once you reserve your spot, we’ll schedule a 15-minute Vibe Check Call. This is a quick chat with a member of our team to help us get to know each other. 

It’s informal, quick, and an opportunity for you to ask your own questions. If we agree this experience is right for you, then we’ll move forward with registration details.

Available Dates

Sep 26-29

THU – Sun

1 spot left

Planning a private Event?

Click the “Go Private” button to connect with us about planning a private Signature Retreat for your group.

Apply Now For The Signature Retreat

Event Dates are Provided After Application & Approval

Due to our growth over the past year and the small group sizes we support, Hama retreats are limited to those who go through our application and interview process. This ensures that the caliber of our guests is as high as possible, and that we can deliver the most value. 

If you are interested, or have been referred, please complete the form below to kick off the process. A member of our team will be in touch after that point to schedule a Vibe Check so we can get to know each other. We look forward to connecting with you!

Apply Here To Save Your Spot & Receive An Instant Followup Over Email To Schedule Your Vibe Check Call

The registration process



Once you are ready to save a spot at the Signature Retreat, this page will allow you to schedule a Vibe Check call.

This is a discussion in which we can go through more event details, answer your questions, and figure out if it’s the right time for you to attend.

Next 7-14 Days


You’ll jump on a call with a member of our team to figure out whether the Signature Retreat is the right fit for your goals.

If it is, we’ll save your spot and share details about the investment, as well as get you familiarized with the plan, including travel and accommodation details.

Next few weeks

Intention Planning

Once your Vibe Check call is complete, we’ll schedule another longer call with you to discuss your desired outcomes for the retreat. 

You’ll also be provided with checkpoints over text and email as the event approaches to help you prepare for the experience.

Event starts

Arrive in Vero bEach

You’ll arrive in Vero Beach and the retreat officially begins! 

Frequently asked questions

We don’t publish our registration fees publicly—but not for the reason you might think.

Hama’s commitment to bringing personal growth to the masses means that we can make our experiences affordable and accessible to almost anyone. You’ll likely be pleasantly surprised at our registration fee!

That being said, the reason we don’t publish our prices is that doing so would commoditize our event and cause our Getaway experiences to be compared to other similar events solely based on price. We want the Signature Retreat and all of our other experiences to be evaluated based on their merits, and not dollars and cents. 

We do understand that price is an important factor, however, which is why we provide complete details on the registration fee, including payment plans if necessary, on the Vibe Check Call with our founder, Dan.

If you have any questions about pricing, payments, or other financially-related topics, reserve your spot for the Signature Retreat and schedule your Vibe Check Call, and we’ll walk through everything together.

Yes, the Signature Retreat is a wonderful experience to share with your spouse or partner. We’ve found that embarking on the personal growth path with your partner is a key to deepening your bond and building an even more rewarding life together. We have had many couples attend the Signature Retreat and grow closer together, communicate better, and have more intense and intimate sexual connections as a result.

Like a stone tumbling down a mountain, the gravity of life causes us to smash and scrape against obstacles as we move through our world. These events can cause us to get “off-center,” or even experience trauma.

Healing is the process by which we learn to healthfully process trauma and get back to center. When we say we are helping you “heal,” it’s about bringing more peace and ease into your inner world.

Not necessarily.

Depending on how long it’s been since your last Hama event, and how confident you are that the Signature Retreat is the right fit for your desired outcomes right now, we can skip the Vibe Check call and move right into the Intention call. The choice is completely yours. If you choose to skip it, email and we will get you all set up.

No, your accommodations are included in your registration fee, along with your food. You’ll be provided a comfortable bed, shower, and all the creature comforts that you would expect from a high-end retreat.

Vero Beach is served primarily by Orlando International Airport (MCO) and Sanford International Airport (SFB). 

Two closer, but smaller, airports are Melbourne Orlando International Airport (MLB) and Vero Beach Airport (VRB). Flights are limited depending on where you live, but we recommend checking both just in case!

Once you land, you’ll want to rent a car to drive to Vero Beach. We’ve also helped guests coordinate car pools in case their travel plans overlap.

Including arrival and departure days, this retreat lasts four days in total. Arrival is scheduled for 3pm on day one and departure is scheduled for 12pm of day four.

You can if you would like. We have options for shared and individual rooms and will provide you with the option during registration, depending on availability. 

Individual rooms usually fill up first, so if that is your preference, we encourage you to schedule a Vibe Check Call sooner than later.