become a hama elder

Share your message with a community that shares back

Hama Elders are members of our community who step forward to engage in personal growth conversations and share an area of wisdom that will help lift our community up as a whole. 

This page is an invitation to take part, as an Elder, in Hama’s Fireside Discussions and Growth Paths. By doing so, you will leave an indelible mark on the lives of our members.

In exchange for this contribution of time and wisdom, Hama will help promote your name and brand to our community, provide you with an affiliate account, and invite you to future paid partnership opportunities.

THe challenge hama is solving

There are few places today where we can sink into moments of wisdom

Hama creates space for growth, healing, and wisdom through our community and through our online and offline events. 

Hama Elders are members of our community who are positioned not above, but among, other members with one important difference: an area of notable wisdom that can be shared with the community.

Whether that area of wisdom is in romantic relationships, careers and ambition, healing trauma, or something else, an Elder’s insight can help fellow community members through specific challenges that life throws at them.

Being a Hama Elder means that you have raised your hand in our search for wisdom. It means that you are willing and open to share your lessons with the Hama community.

Elder Tiles
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Online Portal

It all happens inside The Sanctuary

Hama community members gather within an online area called The Sanctuary. Inside this private membership portal, you can read the latest community updates, RSVP for events, and more.


We share our Elders' wisdom through Fireside Discussions

Fireside Discussions are hosted within our private community Each Week

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Your Invitation

If you’re reading this, you’ve been invited to become a Hama Elder

Below, we’ll share what membership as an Elder looks like, what we request of you, and what Hama can provide in return for your contributions to the community.

The mission of Hama is to help people achieve Enlightenment and to help the world usher in an age of reason.

Big stuff, we know, and also achievable—with the right people. People like you who are as committed to contributing wisdom to the world as you are to building your own life of abundance.

We won’t ask you to freely contribute your time and energy without reciprocation from our community. This is where the Elder Agreement comes in. The Elder Agreement isn’t a legal contract; rather, it is a statement of intention between you and Hama. 

How To Accept Your Invitation

Become A Hama Elder

If you’d like to reserve your spot as a Hama Elder, click the button below to schedule a call with our founder to discuss how we can best support each other.

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The Elder Agreement

In exchange for your contributions to the Hama community, we will promote you and your brand to Hamans in our community and provide you with a financial partnership with Hama

Hama is young, and as a result, we are just getting started building our base of content. This content is organized into categories, many of which can be seen in the above graphic on the lines extending from each of the four quadrants (e.g. Boundaries, Gratitude, Morals, etc.). These categories are only the tip of the iceberg, and more are being added regularly as our Elder ranks grow. We invite you to add your own category!

We are inviting Elders to contribute their time to helping us build these content categories by participating in 1-on-1 interviews, group Fireside Discussions with the community at large, and other forms of content that we will be releasing over the coming year.

We invite you to explore the details of the Elder Agreement below. If this agreement is in alignment with your goals, we’d like to invite you to schedule a call with our founder, Dan.

Growth Path content provided by Elders

Coming Soon:

Benefits provided by hama TO Elders

includes a link to your company or offer Page

Coming Soon:

Elder Affiliate Account

Elder Affiliate Commission

0 %

Commission Lifetime

2 Years

Cookie Duration*

0 Days

Exclusive Access

Hama doesn’t provide affiliate links to anyone other than Elders and other carefully-selected community members. This ensures that the right people join Hama rather than those brought in by someone we don’t know. 

As an Elder, you receive a custom affiliate link. This link is traceable to you, and whenever it is used by someone in your community to register an account with Hama, you receive credit for that registration along with two years of affiliate commissions from their registration fees.

Launch Timeline For Paid Subscriptions

While Hama is in its beta launch, the community will be free to join and limited in size. This is to ensure the highest quality conversations and content within the community. After we fully launch, Elder affiliates will be able to benefit financially from their contributions to the community. As of the time of this writing, our planned subscription price will be $29 per month.

Commission Rate & Example Breakdown

Yearly Membership

$ 0

Avg. Commission

$ 0

Maximum Commission

Hama’s current affiliate commission rate is 20%. At the above price (which is subject to change), each full-year membership will generate $69.60 per year in commissions. 

For every 100 people that sign up for Hama from an Elder’s affiliate link (assuming they all sign up at the same time and maintain their membership), $13,920 in commissions will be paid out in eight separate quarterly payments of $1,740. There is no cap on commissions paid to Elders.

Affiliate commissions will be paid through PayPal on a quarterly basis. Total commissions are calculated based on successfully collected membership dues.

* The cookie duration describes the amount of time that is allowed to pass between someone clicking an Elder’s affiliate link and completing registration in order for the Elder to still receive their commission.

Earning your wisdom may not have been easy, but sharing it will be.

Becoming a Hama Elder is no small thing—you have vast experience in an arena that many people struggle with. Getting here hasn’t been a walk in the park, but we’ve made it easy to take this final step in starting to use your experience to help others.

Just click the green button on this page to start filling out your Elder profile. You’ll also be brought to a scheduling page to speak with our founder, Dan, to discuss the following:

There is no one-size-fits-all Elder relationship. Since you have your own priorities, it’s important to us that we make this a long term win-win relationship. Our discussions that follow your profile creation will ensure there is a fair exchange of time and energy between you and Hama.

How To Accept Your Invitation

Become A Hama Elder

If you’d like to reserve your spot as a Hama Elder, click the button below to create your profile and schedule a call with our founder to discuss how we can best support you.